The AGM is the only event where members of 500 ESN sections from all over Europe get to meet, share their passion for international student mobility, feel the unity that can sometimes be missing in today’s Europe and discuss the current state of the network.
The weekend will be filled with plenary meetings where the International Board, Project Teams and Committees will report on their activities, Statutes and Standing Order changes will officially be voted on and last but not least, the new International Board that will lead us in 2016/2017 will be elected
In addition, participants will have the chance to attend capacity-building workshops and representatives of the 38 countries of our network will introduce their home universities to local students from various universities in Warsaw during the Infomarket, held at the Warsaw School of Economics.

Among the highlights of the social programme, a huge Flag Parade will take place in the middle of Warsaw and in the evenings and participants will take part in events such as the Eurodinner where they literally get to taste Europe. The event will be topped off by Erasmus World Festival, a concert organised especially for the occasion, the STARawards ceremony and last but not least, a Gala Dinner which will take place at the iconic Palace of Science and Culture.

Students of 10 universities from Warsaw have volunteered to organise the meeting and make the participants feel welcome in their hometown. Warsaw is the capital of Poland, a city full of astonishing contrasts and with a rich history. Don’t miss your chance to stay longer and do some sightseeing, especially since the OC has prepared an exciting additional programme.

For more information, visit the AGM Warsaw website and our blog for daily updates during the event. If you want to know more about AGM, take a look at the video prepared especially for this occasion!
For live coverage, make sure you follow ESN social media channels through the hashtags #AGMwarsaw and #THISisESN, and tune in to the live stream on live.esn.org