Have you visited your Erasmus city before it becomes your Erasmus city?
I have heard many reasons why people choose certain cities or towns for their long-term Erasmus. Sometimes, they get a different city than the one they initially wanted, but it ends up being the perfect match.
If you are currently looking for the best place for your Erasmus, I will tell you a secret – the best place will be the one you choose to make cosy. You are the one person who is responsible for making your Erasmus place your new home.
In my experience, my Erasmus cities were a conscious choice and I have never regretted it.
I did my semester abroad in Brno, the Czech Republic and I have already shown my appreciation for this place. A few years later, while I was looking for an internship corresponding to my field of study, I hoped to find myself again in the Czech Republic, this time in Prague. Well, these plans didn’t go as expected. I ended up in Croatia instead and I have never felt so at home abroad.
When I was applying for an internship position, I came across one that was in Zagreb and chose it as a plan B. Soon it would become the only plan for my Erasmus traineeship. My first choice was more logical, the second one came up by chance.
In my case, both times I was lucky to have visited my Erasmus cities before choosing them for a mobility. I had been to Zagreb some time ago and I connected it to one of my closest friends from my first Erasmus mobility. Back in 2022, I traveled to Zagreb for a memorable Erasmus reunion with this close friend. Until today, we keep checking up on each other, we exchange postcards and I feel the connection not only to Zagreb, but to Croatia in general. I find it similar to what I know, but also different, I find it interesting to be discovered, but also like a home where I can find my peace.
As I mentioned, your Erasmus city may become cosy only if you decide to make it so. Sometimes when I walk around the old city, I remember how I was strolling with my friend, how she was telling me stories about the city, the legends and the interesting facts. Now I will be the one telling these stories to my friends who come to visit me.
Before I was walking without any direction, letting myself to get lost and explore the city. Now, I can't even get lost, I know the city too well.

Before I was shy to speak in my native language, now I try to do it as much as possible and learn more everyday words.
Before I felt like a tourist, now I have become a local.
So maybe next time when you visit a new place, feel it, explore it, because who knows…one day it may become your Erasmus city.