When looking for accommodation in your desired city, you don’t necessarily concentrate on the cosiness of the place. You might be in a situation where the location, flatmates, price or the even the existence of the dorm room are more important. And since you are moving for a shorter period of time, of course, you don’t want to invest in a whole makeover - and you don’t have to! Follow these easy guidelines to get your room ready for the best time of your life!
Showcase your most precious memories!
I know - right now, you are living the best memories of your life. However, sometimes you will want to remember the highlights of your family life as well. Don’t forget about your friends either, who cannot wait to have you back! Printing photos and placing them on an always clearly visible place in your room is very cheap, and can be a lifesaver when you feel a bit lonely.
Find gadgets from your host city
Whether you are in Denmark and you buy a winter Tuborg beer, or a German Oktoberfest costume, make sure to collect some souvenirs for yourself as well. These little gadgets will help you connect with your host countries lifestyle. Use cheap stuff that locals include in their daily life to feel at home in this different country.
Keep an eye on your tech stuff
Now that you are away, in a way you are constantly available and checking in with your family and friends on your phone (maybe even two phones if you need an international one), tablet and laptop. Storing them might be hard in your small room. Check out this handy thing to always keep them close to you:
Interested? Check them out on Amazon!
Small places for big ideas
Living in a dorm room might require some creativity when it comes to fitting all your stuff into a tiny room. Here’s a tip: try to make little corners in your room such as kitchen corner, bathroom corner, etc. This helps keep your organised and you won’t have to look for your mug or hairbrush all over the room. Also, consider investing in little gadgets to make your life easier, such as the universal stand, the bunny cord, or a magnetic bottle holder.
Travelling the world is now a thing
You were brave enough to move to another country, and you have probably either always been or you recently become a travel birdie who wants to visit all of their new friends in their own countries. Put up a map on the wall and mark all of your target countries, as well as the ones you’ve been to. Some travel quotes to motivate you on your journey can be pretty as well.
Hopefully, these tips were helpful in making your dorm room cosier, so let us know if you have tried any of our ideas. Keep having fun!