#myESNcareer: Focus on Business 07/10/2017 Have you ever dreamed of working for a big multinational company? Here’s how ESN can help you enjoy a great career in...
How ESN can give your career a push 19/03/2017 Use your ESN experience and contacts to learn how to positively reshape your professional future.
Fantastic soft skills and where to find them 26/11/2016 While Newt Scamander is on a mission to retrieve his lost magical creatures in New York, we are on a mission to find all...
Gain professional experience by going abroad! 31/07/2016 Have you ever thought about going abroad? Well, did you know that many employers seek students who have international...
7 things you should know about being an intern at ESN International 03/07/2016 What is it like to work for Europe's largest network of student organisations?
5 valuable skills you get out of ESN 01/05/2016 It's not just about having fun with international students. While we're doing what we love, we're developing real skills...
A Volunteer’s CV - how to get it right 29/03/2016 Sure, you’ve seen these articles before: “10 tips on writing a successful CV”, “Top tips for writing a perfect CV”, and...
International experiences can lead to an international job 14/03/2016 Daphne Scherer is another example of a person who has used her volunteer work for ESN to her benefit. Today, she works...
Growing into a Unicorn - Part 2 19/02/2016 In the last article in the series we were introduced to Lucy - an up-and-coming nurse - learning the three categories...