To celebrate the third anniversary of ESNblog, we’re bringing you our 5 most read articles:
The time passed but the Erasmus friendships last forever. What part do Erasmus reunions play in helping you keep such friendships alive?

Could you ever imagine that a group of internationals could be a dedicated squad of baby-sisters? Discover the story of Lorena and Adrien, from Erasmus love to an Erasmus baby!

Erasmus is a truly life-changing experience, but as every adventure, it has some consequences you must face up. Are you the same person as before?

Millions of doubts filled your head before going abroad. Which advice would you give to the person that left their home a few months ago to live the Erasmus experience?

Everybody talks about post-Erasmus depression, but what about if you suffer from it before going on exchange? Take a look into the article and learn how it feels like!

If you’ve just discovered the ESNblog, this is just the beginning!
We have much more fascinating stories for you, so keep exploring and stay tuned for more great articles!